A day off from Life.

It was sorely needed, and came in the form of three amazing animation girls and Disneyland.

We had an absolute blast.  I haven't been in over 2 years, and it really made my day to be spending it with a bunch of gals who were as nerdy and excited to be in Disneyland as I was.

I also got to experience a bunch of firsts, ever since they have renovated/opened up a bunch of rides.  I got to ride Ariel's Grotto for the first time - and it was very well executed...EXCEPT for this one part in the animation, and she was completely, horribly off model.  I know I sound super pretentious, but it was so bad, it couldn't be ignored.  It was noticeable because her features slid all over her face.  Not cool, Disney. Isn't this supposed to be a new ride!? We were all thinking the same thing simultaneously, although I was the first one to scream "OFF MODEL!" the moment I noticed it.

Also got to meet Merida for the first time (and also my first time waiting for a princess).  It was...interesting, to say the least.  The girl playing Merida was super cute though!

We rode on rides, played to our hearts content, and I bought a beach towel for a whopping 20 bucks.  All because the seagulls from Finding Nemo were lined up on its back, chanting "MINE! MINE! MINE!".  I couldn't resist, really.

Also, got to decorate our caps for GRADUATION THIS FRIDAY!  That will be fun.  I get to hold a banner for the Department of Art (which, I suppose is what Illustration, Animation, Painting and Drawing fall under?).  To commemorate this event, we all also decorated our caps.

Mine is this one:

It makes me laugh every time I stare back at Totoro's vacant face.  The girls also made some super creative ones as well, but unfortunately, my phone freaked out and damaged my photo that I took.  It was a bit odd.

It's been a long day, but totally worth it in the end.  What a much needed day off.


  1. AHAHAHA! I LOVE YOUR CAP! TOTORO'S FACE IS PRICELESS. :D I'm glad I get to have as much Totoro in my life through you. Happy happy!

    So glad you got to have a day off from life. You really needed it! I am so proud of you! I can't wait to cheer you on on Friday!!!


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