New month, new goals, and wow the time is flying by!
Hello everyone!
So, the last time I posted, I talked about Lightbox Expo - and I had a PHENOMENAL time. It was sincerely awesome. I can wholeheartedly recommend that event to anyone interested in the entertainment industry, and it was so nice meeting some of my art heroes. I also spent WAY too much money on books and goods, but it was all so worth it.
Fun fact: My only goal was to network, catch up with old friends, and make new ones - and I succeeded by a long shot. WITH FOOD. What a powerful tool food is.
Speaking of goals, I've been without a solid goal for a month now. And as a goal-oriented person, this has wrecked havoc on my routines and sense of purpose. But I didn't want to rush into my next goal because I had potentially THREE of them.
I have tossed around the idea of pursuing my Masters of Fine Arts before, but, to be honest - it still doesn't hold any appeal to me. I only started seriously thinking about it when I couldn't really think of any other options.
But then this happened:
My friend Alan came by to help teach and do some demo storyboards, and I also made my own to teach from. Long story short, I asked "Hey, do you think I should do the storyboard test for Final Space season 3?"
Alan: "Absolutely."
Me, internally: "Well, dammit."
And now, here we are! I am running the gauntlet to teach myself storyboarding and have a viable portfolio in...what - two months? This is insane.
I will also be working and developing my graphic novel(s) on the side as well because my desire to have something be printed is at an ALL TIME HIGH.
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