Dare I say It?

Yes, I have a new blog!!! [collective groan from the audience]

My friends know I'm a compulsive blog grabber, and this time...I'm hoping it will be an exception to the other blogs that I have started.  I've been going strong with this blog for some time now (hey, I consider consistently posting for the past 7 months to be some sort of achievement!) - and I actually wanted a place to write out my thoughts and post some of the awesome links I find on the internet.

So, the new place is called The Crooked Feather.  You can find the link on the bar on top of the page, and I post my general thoughts and some pretty dang useful sites there as well. 

Please give it a look when you get the chance!

The link is here as well, in case the top of the page is too far for you: thecrookedfeather.blogspot.com


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