Ushering in a New Year: Hello 2020!

You know, I've been reminiscing a lot this past week. It's been quite the wild ride.

Back in 2010, some significant events that happened (from what I can recall) are the following:
- My acceptance into the BFA program in October
- My Grandpa passing away on the same day I found out

Honestly, I don't remember much from that year. It was full of college and stress and trying to achieve goals, but I was barreling forward with reckless abandon, going 200 percent in every single project and goal that I possibly could.

Now 10 years later, I am teaching hopeful students who are trying to get into the BFA program. Things have come full circle in a very short amount of time! And funnily enough, I'm re-entering the academic life by submitting my application to the Masters of Fine Arts program at CSULB. I am going for the Illustration/Animation track, but not 100 percent sure of what I am going to pursue just yet.

One of my goals for next year is to dedicate more time to this blog again. Uploading art, thoughts, and cataloging my efforts have always been worthwhile in charting my growth and keeping myself on track. I need to get back into the routine of posting more on this blog so that I have something to look back on.

Hopefully, I'll keep to this wish. See you guys around!


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