24 hour animation contest
What the heck, I can't believe I forgot to mention this.
So, this past weekend - I had been itching to animate/be in an animation production NOT related to my job, so I decided last minute to join the 24 hour contest at CSULB. It was actually really fun this time around, and there were a HUGE amount of people who joined the competition.
It's the first time that Aubry has extended the invitation to other schools, and it got a rather enthusiastic response back.
Here are the schools that participated:
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, San Jose
California State University, Northridge
Kendall College of Art and Design
Middle Tenessee State University,
Westwood College -
Academy of Art University of San Francisco
And it was super cool because we had a lot of sponsors for this years competition, and had guests come along to help us out! It was marvelous.
Thank you to our incredible sponsors for your generous donations:
CTN - 5 full 3-day passes and talent table at CTN for them to share
Toon Boom - 25 one-year licenses of Animate Pro and Storyboard Pro for all winners.
Disney - Tour of Disney Animation Studio and Goodie Bag with Books, DVD's t-shirt, Lithograph and Poster. AND sketchbooks/posters for every participant of the contest
Nickelodeon - Goodie Bags with Books, supplies, and Nick stuff
DreamWorks - DreamWorks DVD's and Books
Digicel -5 copies of Flibook Studio
CSULB Art Store - $100 in art supplies
Mrs. Amit - 5 x $15 Target gift certificates
Mrs. Bryan - an excellent spread of homemade cupcakes, coffee and donuts
Thank you to our incredible judges for taking time on their weekend to review and evaluate the films:
Steve Hickner (DreamWorks Animation Director) , Rob House (Sony Imageworks Sr Technical Director), Eric Robles (Nickelodeon creator of Fan Boy and Chum Chum), Morgan Kelley (DreamWorks Senior Character Animator), Mike Roberts (Award winning Animation Director, Rumbleseat), Dawn Rivera-Ernster (Walt Disney Animation Studios Director of Talent Development & Recruitment)
After seeing the guests, I got so fired up that I decided to participate anyway, despite the fact that I had a super-crammed weekend and a ton of things to do for school.
I threw caution to the wind and joined a team, haha. This year's topic was about Curiosity - the Mars rover. My team decided to do a scenario where there was one Martian Cat left on Mars, and it gets killed. Haha, morbid, I know. I did the boards with another friend, and helped them put the animatic together (which is down below.)
So, this past weekend - I had been itching to animate/be in an animation production NOT related to my job, so I decided last minute to join the 24 hour contest at CSULB. It was actually really fun this time around, and there were a HUGE amount of people who joined the competition.
It's the first time that Aubry has extended the invitation to other schools, and it got a rather enthusiastic response back.
Here are the schools that participated:
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, San Jose
California State University, Northridge
Kendall College of Art and Design
Middle Tenessee State University,
Westwood College -
Academy of Art University of San Francisco
And it was super cool because we had a lot of sponsors for this years competition, and had guests come along to help us out! It was marvelous.
Thank you to our incredible sponsors for your generous donations:
CTN - 5 full 3-day passes and talent table at CTN for them to share
Toon Boom - 25 one-year licenses of Animate Pro and Storyboard Pro for all winners.
Disney - Tour of Disney Animation Studio and Goodie Bag with Books, DVD's t-shirt, Lithograph and Poster. AND sketchbooks/posters for every participant of the contest
Nickelodeon - Goodie Bags with Books, supplies, and Nick stuff
DreamWorks - DreamWorks DVD's and Books
Digicel -5 copies of Flibook Studio
CSULB Art Store - $100 in art supplies
Mrs. Amit - 5 x $15 Target gift certificates
Mrs. Bryan - an excellent spread of homemade cupcakes, coffee and donuts
Thank you to our incredible judges for taking time on their weekend to review and evaluate the films:
Steve Hickner (DreamWorks Animation Director) , Rob House (Sony Imageworks Sr Technical Director), Eric Robles (Nickelodeon creator of Fan Boy and Chum Chum), Morgan Kelley (DreamWorks Senior Character Animator), Mike Roberts (Award winning Animation Director, Rumbleseat), Dawn Rivera-Ernster (Walt Disney Animation Studios Director of Talent Development & Recruitment)
After seeing the guests, I got so fired up that I decided to participate anyway, despite the fact that I had a super-crammed weekend and a ton of things to do for school.
I threw caution to the wind and joined a team, haha. This year's topic was about Curiosity - the Mars rover. My team decided to do a scenario where there was one Martian Cat left on Mars, and it gets killed. Haha, morbid, I know. I did the boards with another friend, and helped them put the animatic together (which is down below.)
I had to leave after the animatic was done (which...was around 5 am). I tried to make it as finished as possible so that if they couldn't finish animating all the scenes, at least they can stick it into the animatic and get a finished film.
The final movie looks like this:
I wasn't really after the prizes or the like - I was mostly after the commentary from the judges. Taking part in this competition was very revealing to me about how I tend to approach storytelling. It helped me grow - annnd scratch that itch that I've been having for so long (to animate). Needless to say, although we didn't win a prize, I'm really proud of my team for pulling through (since they pretty much pulled a 48 hour work period - they had classes beforehand as well).
And above all, I still love animating, hahaha. I guess that's always a good sign.
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